تماس با ما

فید خبر خوان

نقشه سایت

اگر به یک وب سایت یا فروشگاه رایگان با فضای نامحدود و امکانات فراوان نیاز دارید بی درنگ دکمه زیر را کلیک نمایید.

ایجاد وب سایت یا
فروشگاه حرفه ای رایگان

دسته بندی سایت

پرفروش ترین ها

    پر فروش ترین های فورکیا

    پر بازدید ترین های فورکیا

    پیوند ها

    آمار بازدید

    • بازدید امروز : 5
    • بازدید دیروز : 14
    • بازدید کل : 13670

    ابو زید آباد (انگلیسی)

    In ABUZEYDABABD county there is a desert by name SIYAZGE, which has black dust. Even though the desert seems to be quite but you can see the existence of Iranian YUZ, deer and caracal in this area. One more thing, the vegetation in this province is of various kinds. One of the authorities has declared that, they arranged many types of watering sources to protect the vegetation of the place. The other authority said: there are two historical places such as: ABBASI INN and adobe castle of KARSHAHI. SIYAZGE is situated 35 kilometers away from the cities of ARAN and BIDGOL. This documentary is the useful information for tourists to find wonders of beloved Iran.







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    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶

    مرز داران(انگلیسی)





    Brave Border guards of Islamic republic of Iran, In the long days and warm summer, are working with faith, and fasting, to protect Islamic homeland borders. In a hot day of RAMAZAN, we joined with the fasting border guards. Even though the weather is hot, but they try to do their job duty and religious duty. At 40 degrees, soldiers are patrolling the borders of our country. Wherever you look, you can observe safety and peace, At night and day time. Borders, are assumed as Wall of our homes, which must be protected against threats and inconveniences. our Dear border guards, without paying attention to exhausting heat and the long days of summer, are performing their duties with determination and faith. Now sound of AZAN is calling them for praying and doing IFTAR while many are Still patrolling in borders. Praying helps them to do their responsibilities in better way.


    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶





    Na’in lies 170 km north of Yazd and 140 km east of Isfahan with an area of almost 35,000 km², Na’in lies at an altitude of 1545 m above sea level. Like much of the Iranian plateau, it has a desert climate, with a maximum temperature of 41 °C in summer, and a minimum of -9 °C in winter.

    More than 3,000 years ago the Persians learned how to construct aqueducts underground (qanat in Persianکاریز, or kariz) to bring water from the mountains to the plains. In the 1960s this ancient system provided more than 70 percent of the water used in Iran and Na’in is one of the best places in all the world to see these qanats functioning.

    Besides its magnificent monuments, Na’in is also famous for high-quality carpets and wool textile and home made pastry ( copachoo) .

    It has one of the earliest remaining mosques in Iran, and has a Sassanid era fort, now in ruins, called Narin Ghaleh.

    The initial construction of Jame Mosque dates back to the 8th Century CE, but the whole of the complex has been constructed incrementally.

    One of the oldest mosques in Iran, its magnificent plasterwork over the niche, the marvellous brickwork around the yard, and its silent basement—which may have been used as a fire temple before the mosque was built here—are only a few of the remarkable features of this mosque.



    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶

    ابوالقاسم کاشانی(انگلیسی)






    Abol-Ghasem KASHANI expressed Anti-capitalist leanings from early on in his career and opposed what he saw as "oppression, despotism and colonization." Because of these beliefs, he was especially popular with the poor in Tehran. He also advocated the return of Islamic government to Iran, though this was most likely for political reasons.

    Due to nationalist positions, Ayatollah Kashani was arrested and exiled by the British and Soviets. He continued to oppose foreign, especially British, control of Irans oil industry while in exile. After he returned from exile on 10 June 1950, he continued to protest. Angered by the fact that the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company paid Iran much less than it did the British, he organized a movement against it and joined Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq, in his campaign to nationalize the Iranian oil industry in 1951.

    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶

    هنر کاشیکاری سنتی





    هنر کاشی کاری سنتی

    هنر زیبای کاشیکاری از هنرهای دستی و قدیمی ایران است که زیباترین و قدیمی ترین آنها کاشی های فیروزه ای اصفهان است و کتیبه های تاریخی مناره های دوران سلجوقی با آنها تزیین شده است. قرن هشتم هجری دورانی است که این هنر زیبا برای تزیین بناهاکاربرد فراوان پیدا کرد و تا اواخر قرن دوازدهم هجری (انقراض صفویه) ادامه داشت.
    به تدریج استفاده از کاشی با نقوش گل و بوته و مخصوصاً نوع خشت و هفت رنگ که مخصوص مساجد بود، به منازل نیز راه یافت و استادان کاشیکار اصفهانی پارا از گل و بوته و اشکال هندسی فراتر نهاده و نقش انواع حیوانات و پرندگان را درکاخها و منازل متداول کردند، هنر کاشیکاری همچنان مورد استفاده هنرمندان اصفهانی بود به طوری که در بیشتر بناها کاربرد داشت .
    اصفهانی ها که یکی از هنرهای مشهود در آثار تاریخی به جا مانده از دوران های مختلف، هنر کاشیکاری اسلامی به ویژه کاشی هفت رنگ می دانند و معتقد هستند رنگهای به کار رفته در هنر کاشیکاری هر یک نشان از دوران خاصی از تاریخ است که با گذشت قرنها، این کاشی ها تغییر رنگ نداده اند و رنگ آنها همچنان ماندگار است.
    رنگهایی که در کاشیکاری قدیم به کار برده شده به دلیل این که ترکیبی از سرب و قلع هستند از مقاومت زیادی برخوردارند به گونه ای که با گذشت قرنهااز عمر این رنگها، همچنان زیبایی خاص خود را حفظ کرده اند، این درحالی است که در رنگهای جدید وارداتی، خیلی زود تغییر رنگ می دهد و دوام و پایداری رنگهای قدیم راندارد.
    با این اوصاف و معروفی این هنر، امروزه دانشمندان و ریاضی دانان بر این باورند که هنر کاشیکاری اسلامی با ریاضیات مرتبط است و با هم پیوند خورده اند همانطوری که با موسیقی ارتباط نزدیک دارد.
    هنر کاشیکاری سابقه ای بسیار طولانی دارد و قدرت آن به هزارهدوم پیش از میلاد می رسد. در آغاز، این هنر بیشتر با آجرهای لعابدار برای استحکام بنا و نماسازی توامان استفاده می شد ولی رفته رفته در آرایش ظاهری ساختمان و نماسازی نیز کاربرد یافت به طوریکه کاشیکاری پیش از اسلام نیز در ایران بسیار مدنظر بوده است.
    البته بیشتر از کاشیهای تک رنگ و احتمالاً چند رنگ ساده استفاده می شد که با اندک تزیینی همراه بود. ولی پس از اسلام این هنر شکل دیگری به خود گرفت و از آنجائی که در آیاتی از قرآن کریم به امر ریاضی و هندسه اشاره فرموده: گلبوته هایی که به شکل قرینه در زمینه طراحی می شد و نقوش هندسی که معماران مسلمان ایرانی در این هنر به کار گرفتند زیبایی آن را بیش از پیش نمایان ساخت.
    در دوران اسلامی هنر کاشیکاری بیشتر در ساختمان مساجد و مدارس به کار گرفته می شد و این خود فرصتی پیش آورد تا آیات قرآن و احادیث نبوی و روایات ائمه هدی زینت بخش این هنر شود.
    این هنر در ادوار و اعصار مختلف اسلامی با آموزه های ریاضی با روش انتقال سینه به سینه و نیز به شکل علمی انجام می شده است.
    حرکات خطوط و ضوابط زمینه های یک کار و گره در خانه شطرنج معقلی، در فرم و اشکال گوناگون باتوجه به ترکیبات خاص اصول گره چینی، نشأت گرفته ازفرمولهای ریاضی در این هنر محسوب می شد که امروز در بناهای مهم کاشیکاری اسلامی به چشم می آید.


    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶

    نوشابه انرژی زا





    نوشابه انرژی زا

    جوانهایی که امروزه به باشگاه های ورزشی میروند، تا به اصطلاع خودشان هیکل بسازند، معمولا یکی از این نوشابه های انرژی زا را همیشه به همراه خودشان دارند.برخی از آنها هم که بدون نوشیدن هر روزه آنها،نمی توانند زندگی کنند، یا حتی ، آنهایی که دوست دارند، تمام طول شب و روز را، یکسره، سرحال و پر انرژی باشند، به شدت به این قوطی ها، وابسته هستند. بد نیست بدانیم ،این نوشابه ها،که بتازگی بسیار پرطرفدار شده اند،از کجا آمده اند، و از چه چیزهایی تشکیل شده اند. نوشابه های انرژی زا، همان طور که از اسم ان پیدا است، باید به شما انرژی مضاعف بدهد، اما دقت در اجزائ تشکیل دهنده آن، حقایق دیگری را آشکار میکند. این نوشابه، اگرچه حاوی انرژی است، اما بطور خاص از کافئین، و شکر تشکیل شده است. و در واقع، این انرژی به بدترین شکل موجود،برای افراد تولید میشود. یک قوطی نوشابه انرژی زا، معمولا 80میلی گرم کافئین، دقیقا به اندازه کافئین موجود در یک فنجان قهوه دارد که بسیار زیاد است. مواد تشکیل دهنده این قوطی انرژی زا،عبارتند از :افدرین، تورین،دانه گوارانا، کراتین. همه نوشابه ها، کافیین و شکر بالایی دارند.



    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶









    A peacock is the name given to a male peafowl (the female is a peahen). The characteristics of a peacock are extravagant, making it easy to differentiate between him, his female counterpart and other types of birds. Peacocks live in India but have been exported all over the world.


    The way to best spot a peacock is by looking at his tail. Feathers that are many feet long drag behind the peacock as he struts. But if he wants to court a female, he will display his plumage in an impressive manner. All of the back feathers stick straight up behind him, revealing a fan-shaped array of yellow, blue and green. The brilliant colors are a result of the angle at which light shines through the feathers. A peacock will not fly with his feathers fanned out like this. He puts on this show only when he is standing on his two feet.


    One of the unique attributes of the peacock that can often be overlooked is the crest of feathers at the top of his head. These erect decorations appear almost like a crown and adorn both male and female peafowl. The head of the peacock is similar to that of a chicken or turkey, with a beak thats large but not sharp like a buzzards. The blue or green colors continue through a peacocks face, with stripes of white around the eyes.


    Peacocks are one of the largest flying birds in the world. They move rather slowly, thus creating an appearance of strutting. This anthropomorphism has helped coin the term "proud as a peacock." Standing up straight, the peacock is more than 2 feet tall. His tail feathers when fanned out extend more than 5 feet. The bird has a relatively long neck like a turkeys, only without the wattles. Peacock feet are three-toed, long and scraggly, rather like emu feet.


    Ron Augustine is a rookie freelance writer and producer who has worked primarily in radio and print media for Chicago Public Radios Sound Opinions, Relevant Magazine, WMBI Chicago and the Burnside Writers Collective. He graduated Moody College in 2007 with a degree in Communications.


    These tail feathers, or coverts, spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length and boast colorful "eye" markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues. The large train is used in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches across the birds back and touches the ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.

    Most people call them peacocks, but thats only the correct name for male of this type of bird. Females are called peahens, and the whole group are peafowl. There are three types of peafowl in the world: Indian, green, and Congo. Most people are familiar with the Indian peafowl, since that is the kind found in many zoos and parks. Indian peafowl live in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, green peafowl are found in Southeast Asia, and Congo peafowl are from central Africa.


    The Indian peacock has some of the brightest feathers, but the peahen is a drab, mottled brown in comparison. The male needs his bright feathers to attract a mate, and the female needs to be able to blend in with the bushes so that predators cannot see her while she is incubating her eggs.


    A group of peafowl is called a "party" or a "pride"! The Indian peafowl is the national bird of India and is protected in that country. In the Hindu religion, the peafowl is a sacred bird, because the spots on the peacock’s tail symbolize the eyes of the gods.



    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶




    Pazargad Tourist Village in Assaluyeh on the Persian Gulf coastline would play an important role in flourishing tourism industry in Iran.Constructed by highly-talented Iranian experts, and once the project becomes fully operational, it would create several job opportunities for local workforce in Assaluyeh.
    Located in 20 hectares of Shirino region in Assaluyeh, the project has so far generated more than 430 direct and 1,200 indirect job opportunities. The beauty of village would attract lots of tourists from home and abroad, to have fun, featuring live music performances, water games, on sea shores.The Iranian experts were even smart enough to use unused and stock MDG cylindrical pipes to build special family suits for the families.
    The Pazargad project in Assaluyeh started in the 2015, providing necessary infrastructures in the coastal area and putting the workshop for construction of related equipment into operation. A planning panel, comprising architectures, civil and mechanical engineers and tourism specialists, started focusing on the project and taking necessary measures to provide facilities in the coastal areas, build wooden structures like arbors and wooden suits in the coastlines like the floating suits, enjoying all facilities of a suit. According to the plan, the Iranian and foreign tourists could enter the rural houses and become acquainted with the customs and traditions of rural people.


    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶

    مسجد آقا بزرگ (انگلیسی)





    AGHA BOZORG mosque- Among Iranian historical And Cultural works, mosques are most important items. When you enter KASHAN, and ask about its cultural and historical monuments, youll hear the name of the AGHA BOZORG mosque. MASTER Haji SHABAN, WAS ITS ARCHITECT. UPON HIS ORDER, all parts of mosque WAS built by brick. HAJ SHABAN installed many valuable inscriptions on and around the yard. Calligraphy works were done by distinguished masters of KASHAN like Mohammad Ibrahim, Mohamed Hossein and Syed SADEGH KASHANI. Painting works were handed over to master Mohammad BAGHER GHAMSARI. On two sides of mosque`s door, two stony platforms were constructed, according to usual habit in QAJAR period. Plaster and suspended paintings decorated with brick tiles, arouse the admiration of everyone. Between Two Corridors, Two summer and winter Bedchambers are made. AGHA BOZORG Mosque is open from all four sides, so the cool air, makes the hot summer of Kashan, tolerable for prayers. 8 strong and thick columns of 17-meters have kept the doom tightly, and created under it, a large square space of 28 into 30 meters. Mosque was built so tightly that the earthquake of 1192 HIJRI in Kashan, did not hurt the mosque. Double-layer dome of mosque is another masterpiece of HAJ SHABAN. Both large and small domes with a distance of 5 meters from each other, but quite similar, are overlapping. The two mosaic tile minarets, like two earrings, have given it, more beauty.



    انتشار : ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶


    Biography of PARVIN ETESSAMI

    PARVIN ETESSAMI was born on 17 March 1907 in TABRIZ city.

    Real name was RAKHSHANDE. Her father, YUSEF ETESAMI ASHTIANI

    Was one of nominal figures and well known writers and translators of QAJAR Period .YUSEF published a literary monthly magazine by name BAHAR. Her mother , AKHTAR FOTOUHI, daughter of MIRZA ABDOLHOSEIN ,nicknamed SHOURI, was one of the last poets of QAJAR from TABRIZ was AZARBAEEJANI.

    She was only girl of her family with 4 brothers. In 1913, she and her family came to Tehran. So PARVIN became familiar with constitutionalists and cultural figures. And under father protection learned literature from great masters like DEHKHODA and MALEK OL SHO ARA BAHAR. In childhood, studied PERSIAN and ARABIC at home under private tutors .She got her thesis from Tehran American School and started to teach in the same place.

    In 1935, she married her cousin FAZLULAH HOMAYUN. And after 4 months went to husband house in KERMANSHAH city. Her marriage tie with cousin, who was chief of police was not compatible with her poetic mood and did not last more than two and a half months.

    After her separation from husband, became college librarian for short period. Her poetry book is consisted of more than 2500 Bits.

    In 1942, on the cause of typhoid, she expired and was buried in religious area of MASOUMEH QOM.

    A poem written on her grave stone:

    Now black dust is her bed literary wheel is her star

    Although saw nothing except bitterness from life

    Whatever you want her words are sweet

    Owner of those sayings, today is beggar of FATIHA and YASIN

    It is better to be remembered by friends

    Heart without friend, is a sad heart

    Soil in eyes are so un-tolerable stone on chest is so heavy

    Whoever sees this bed gets lesson who has fact eyes

    Whoever you are and where ever you come from

    The last house is here

    The man may be so rich when reaches to this point is a poor

    As a part of judicial attack submission and obedience is a must

    Birth and death and hide is the old custom of universe

    Happy is the one who in this dreadful place is mind ease of some one



    انتشار : ۱۸ دی ۱۳۹۴





    Birthday: 1404 in SAMARGHAND

    DEATH: 16 DEC. 1474

    Nationality: Iranian

    Other names: Ali QUSHCHI

    Religion: Islam


    Scientist, theologian, mathematician and astronomer

    He was HANBALI scholar and great scientist in SUNI section of Islam.

    His father was at the court of ULUGH BEIG prince.

    Ali learnt mathematics from GHAZIZADE ROUMI. He completed his knowledge in KERMAN city. On return, dedicated his epistle to ULUGH BEIG prince.

    Upon the invitation of SULTAN MOHAMMAD, went to ISTANBUL and started to teach and write until end of his life.



    Theory of knowledge and intellectual:

    Professor is one of the opponents to the theory of rational and reasonable union. MORTEZA MOTAHARI in SABZEVARI book says: QUSHCHI claims that in mind, there are two things, one of them is in transmigration in soul. And it containerized the self-esteem. The apparent emergence of self-reflection on the screen within the self, the reflection is science and this is in the middle of the body.

    Beliefs: MOLA ALI QUSHCHI says, there is no doubt that after the prophet, ALI EBN ABITALEB is greatest, cleanest and is the noble man of Islam. He also describes in TAJRID book, the IMAMAT is spiritual directorate of the religion and the world in the caliphate of the prophet.


    1) Margin on TAFTAZANI book

    2) Explanation on TAJRID book by KHAJE

    3) Astronomy book

    4) Treatises on arithmetic and geometry

    5) Astronomers accounts










    انتشار : ۱۸ دی ۱۳۹۴




    Martyr Mohammad JAVAD BAHONAR was born in 1312 in Kerman city, in an area named, MAHALE SHAR,, that was one of the oldest and dilapidated parish in Kerman city. He was the second child of family and had nine sisters and brothers. His father was a simple trademan who had an unpretentious life. And he had a small store in parish and subsisted. Martyr JAVAD went to school at the age of five year and has learned Quran by a religious lady. When he was about eleven years old by guiding the religious lady`s son named HOJATOLESLAM HAGHIGHI entered to the MASOUME school in Kerman and began to learn elementary lessons.

    HOJATOLESLAM IRANMANESH, the martyr`s cousin, said: we went to school together in Kerman at the age of five. We learned to read Quran and also read Persian and Hafez poetry book. There were few schools at that time and there were just few people went to school who were in middle class and low class just went to school and then work. Because there was no time. MASOUMIYEH School after years which were closed in Reza khan period, began its activities. And some students had been accepted. Martyr BAHONAR began preliminary courses with NASABOLBAYAN curriculum and comprehensive ALMOGHADAMAT. He began new education beside the seminary formal courses. And took part in miscellaneous exams. He succeeded to take the old science in fifth degree. During this period, his religious education had reached to the LEVEL section and, in the middle of 1953, went to Qom city in order to continue his religious studies.



    Entrance to the Qom seminaryschool:


    At the first year when he entered to the Qom seminary school, He habituated in FEIZIYEH School and learned KEFAYE and MAKASEBcourses from teachers such as Ayatollah MOJAHEDI, Ayatollah SOLTANI, and Sheikh Mohammad JAVAD ESFAHANI. And at the same year he took his Diploma certificate. In order to continue and complete the religious courses from 1953 took part in outside courses of ULEMA. In addition of participating in FEGH courses of Ayatollah BOROUJERDI that he was special in regard to his authority and expansion of course in point view of number of students, also participated in OUTSIDE courses of Imam Khomeini. And about seven years (until the early days of 1960) imparted of principles and FEGH courses. Martyr BAHONAR also participated in ALLAME TABATABAEE`s philosophy course and beside this, he enjoyed ALLAME`s TAFSIR a lot, which was published as a book named ALMIZAN (one of greatest books for SHIA)

    Martyr BAHONAR in describing his educational period in Qom seminary said: we have our best scientific and educational memories in this period of nine years education in Qom. In third year that he entered to the Qom seminary and after taking diploma degree, BAHONAR took part in university`s exams and entered the seminary and continued his university`s education along with seminarycourses. As regard to university course, on the view of science and quality, nothing was new for him, so he was rarely showed up in classes. In 1958, he finished bachelor course and got his university degree.

    In continuing to complete university educations and after taking bachelor, He passed Master of Arts in educational affairs, and PhD in theology. Martyr BAHONAR went to Najaf (IRAQ), the holy city about years 1956-57. He decided to continue his religious education there, so lived in Ayatollah BOROUJERDI school and participated in Ayatollah Hakim`s courses. But because of some reasons, such as the existence of outstanding scientists in Qom seminary, again came back to Qom seminary. He stayed in Najaf less than a year.

    The outset of social and cultural activities:

    In third year of his residence in Qom and FEYZIYEH School, moved to the HOJATIYEH School. He became roommate with great and valuable fellows such as HOJATOLESLAM HASHEMI Rafsanjani, Ayatollah MOVAHEDI KERMANI and HOJATOLESLAM MAHDAVI KERMANI and many more in a chamber. He published Shiite academy journal with cooperation of HASHEMI RAFSANJANI and MAHDAVI KERMANI In 1957. The type of articles and mentioned materials in journal had made a deep cultural and mental revolution in Qom seminary. And because students and clergies accepted the articles very much, so the journal was published quarterly. Because of sensitivity and attention of regime to these essays, finally after publishing seven volumes, SAVAK stopped the work. Mr. HASHEMI Rafsanjani said" He had the first role in controlling Shiite academy journal. In 19957 or 1958 myself, he and some of our friends who became four or five persons decided to publish a journal. Martyr BAHONAR had main Cultural liabilities such as print and inquiry of articles. Of course we cooperated with him but because he was the best writer, and had press precedence. He had more preparation. Generally, it becomes a good work. And those days that ten thousands and fifteen thousand circulations were sold out.

    Our first printing was with ten thousands circulations, that immediately finished and we had sold it.

    The first arrest of Martyr BAHONAR:

    Martyr BAHONAR, went to Abadan for an advertising journey in 1958, in pertinence to recognizing the Israel government by Iran government as two factors. He had a difficult and intense attack on this issue. And after the end of the lecture, he was arrested by police for his mighty work. And that was the first contact with Pahlavi Regime.

    The second arrest of late doctor BAHONAR:

    His second arrest was encountered with progresses of KHORDAD month of 1963. It had been arranged that missioners redeploy from seminary to all over the country in holy Muharram month in the said year. And they expressed Co- ordinated and Monotonous speeches, in order to condemn evil regime and regime`s irreligious actions on. The security regime of king was informed about this progress and predicted measures to control and pressure on the spokesmen. In that year, Mohammad JAVAD was sent to Hamadan and was arrested on the following fervent speech on the seventh day of Muharram in 1963, but because of the inroad of people and social pressures that people hold in Hamadan, forced regime to release him. His release accompanied with the expulsion of Hamadan. But he continued his speeches until 12 of Muharram and finally went out of city. Martyr BAHONAR, himself says" I remember, it was an order that from the sixth day of Muharram month, speeches reached to the highest and intensified combat.

    They warned me for the ceremony: don`t let meeting to be populous. If you want to begin from the first day, before people congregate, they will arrest you." And at the sixth day, speeches soared apparently, it was the seventh day that we have been arrested.


    The third arrest is related to his revolutionary and harsh speeches in Tehran Bazar Mosque for anniversary of regime`s attack to FEYZIYE school. At the end of his speech in the third night colonel TAHERI and other constabularies arrested him and sent him to GHEZEL GHALE prison. And after trial in a military court condemned to be prison for four months. The General of constabulary on 1963 about his arrested reported to SAVAK like this sheikh Mohammad JAVAD in nights 18 and 19 in month of March expressedprovocative speech and mentioned about happenings in FEYZIYE school in last year in central mosque yard, and the statements were unjust. So, at 21pm of 19 March when he was leaving the mosque, was arrested by special agents, dispatched and delivered to SAVAK with primary dossier for prosecution.

    Cooperation with Board of Coalition:

    One of the most important activities in the first presence of martyr BAHONAR in Tehran, was familiarity with the coalition board. JAVAD has been entered to organization ofboard of Coalition by Martyr BEHESHTI. And he taught to forces of coalition about ideas and thoughts of MR. MOTAHARI. This great man used the topics that was arranged

    and prepared by martyr MOTAHARI and discussions were made by himself in order to train concepts and religious educations to the board of Coalition. After the assassination of Hassan Ali Mansur by the Board of Coalition and arrest of their leaders and decompose of the organization, Martyr MOHAMMAD JAVAD decided to create a semi-public organizations with cooperation of elders such as late BEHESHTI, late MOTAHARI and Mr. HASHEMI Rafsanjani in order to create unity and preventing of collapse, isolation and dispersion of warrantor and combative forces.

    Welfare Institute:

    Coverage was provided for this organizations actually was a service and social cover. The name of this organization was welfare and friendly institute. Some of its objectives included relief operations, Fund loan and the establishment of schools.Secret communications of fighting forces and other activities accomplished in the cover of above board activities of welfare institute. Centers of coalitions have been guided by this institute. Martyr RAJAEE was one of those who led some centers and participated in their meetings with this nickname "OMIDVAR". And performed his didactic and training programs.Mr. Rafsanjani in explaining about the formation of welfare institute saidin the institutions of the former regime that have been constituted by revolutionary Muslims, there were usually certain number of people who played a role in different ways such as a consultant, help or member, in these works.

    He was the member of institute from the initial phase. Because welfare institute was a cultural, welfare facility and service institution as well as the most prominent revolutionary organization. Also he was the member of board of trustee and board of directors. More cultural activities were entrusted to him and Mr. RAJAEE. He was the basic person to do the sidelines such as presentations, camps, meetings and other things. Actually we must mention his name as a powerful and important member of the welfare group and as one of the founders. Although Mr. BAHONAR was actually one of the founders, formally SAVAK was opposed him to join to the board of founders.

    Propagation and Guidance:

    Martyr BAHONAR after arriving in Tehran and starting his social and cultural activities, and since 1955 did measures to promote religious principles for different classes of people. He delivered an important speeches in years 1955 and 1956 at JALILI mosque. The mosque, which was administered by the prayer leader Ayatollah MAHDAVI KANI, was one of the centers of warrior and commitment religious forces. Because there was sensitivity and attention by the regime, usually some sources were followed by SAVAK for, in order to receive a complete report of its activities. Also Dr. BAHONAR showed up on the board of MAKTABOL HOSSEIN i1955and 1956 and said some statements about Islamic issues, society`s problems, Muslim`s duties, and how to lead community. With regard to this fact the Islamic coalition and the nation party participated in MAKTABOL Hussein, and was the base of religious militant forces,

    SAVAK had launched several resources for the boards and pursued its reports. SAVAK`s source reported a Session of MAKTABOL Hussein "... then preacher Sheikh BAHONAR stated "we need to pattern of Imam Hussein, and we do not pledge allegiance to YAZID and despots, don`t obey irreligious and cruel government. If the Supreme Leader wanted to swear allegiance, it was much easier, but instead we could lose our religion. He said Shiite supreme leader of world, and Ayatollah Hakim together has given FETVA about war with Israel, and this decision has been welcomed by the Islamic countries." He also said on 1967: "... no one except Imam of the time has the right to change Islamic laws and manipulate it. Imam or his successor must be statesman of the Muslims in the Islamic countries and takes oppressed right from the oppressor. If the leader is holy and pure, usury will not become common in the country. Cinema and the centers of corruption will not be established. The crimes will not occur. So the upper classes need to reform their status and then expect the lower classes. We shouldn`t sit down and say works must go on. We wait long, we must ponder and think about the remedy." Martyr BAHONAR in the following of his enlightenment and attention to political and social conditions of the country, said: gentlemen, now, former situation is repeated in our country after 1400 years. If a Muslim or a Priest tells do not drink wine, don`t do adultery and do not loot public money to foreign banks, they can`t tolerate, and immediately talk about imprisonment, torture and exile. So, it is the duty of every Muslim to promote virtue and prevent vice, and combat through private and public meetings and distribution of leaflets and other propaganda and save Islam from these irreparable corruptions.

    And also he said: "... Muslims should pay attention, that Islam says knowledge and virtue must be combined with each other, that is, a Muslim should have virtue and knowledge to remove routine problems and do not need interference of the Counselor and foreigners. Unfortunately, there is nothing except bribery, dancing, and revelry in our current system." In the following of explanatory statements of martyr BAHONAR, SAVAK center ordered to Tehran SAVAK:" The mentioned name recently in addition of participating in MAKTABOL Hussein sessions, attempted to deliver subjects against our interest that is continuing of this method is not expedient. Please order whilst training to the relevant resources, to monitor his actions and calls, and collect the court`s documents against him and give them to the General Administration office on time. " Along with martyr BAHOBAR`s speech at MAKTABOL Hussein, other fighter characters were invited to this speech, such as HASHEMI Rafsanjani, martyr HASHEMI NEJAD, Ali ASGHAR MORVARID and... in 1969-1970s, major speeches and sermons of martyr BAHONAR accomplished at HEDAYAT mosque. Ayatollah TALEGHANI was Imam of the mosque and people of the freedom movement, religious intellectuals and Muslim students of universities attended the sessions. The mosque had great prosperity When Ayatollah TALEGHANI was at mosque and he wasn`t in exile, various sectors participated in. The presence of the engineer BAZARGAN, doctor SAHABI and Ayatollah TALEGHANI in the mosque, solicited the attention of SAVAK to this center also. At each meeting and a ceremony which was held in the mosque, at least three reports were transmitted to the SAVAK centers, always.


    Doctor BAHONARs Speeches in the mosque were welcomed by many audiences, so due to the request of Ayatollah TALEGHANI several lectures were given to him. Martyr doctor BAHONAR says about this issue" HEDAYAT mosque, TALEGHANI`s mosque were our resort, we were talking there about three years in the month of Ramadan, we talked a lot on Friday nights. According to the last habitual routine, Martyr BAHONAR could attract various sectors to mosque and pulpit with careful words and expressions which were according to the needs, requirements and demands of the audiences and the social and political conditions. And he attracted the attention of the religious forces. Martyr BAHONAR in his speeches in HEDAYAT mosque on 2/10/67 that was reported by SAVAK said" Come and have a movement in the social life and save the community from misery, and also criticized of the women`s adultery in Islamic society and stated those who have demanded freedom for women in the world have the greatest impact on the society. All these abortions and illegal relationships are the effects of daydream. And in another occasion mentioned"... any ethnic or nation that is colonized if do not have solidarity, they cant win, each government constitutes on deserve of the people of the society, If a group or society does not change their method, their status will not change." In Following this statement The Third Administration of SAVAK on 1968 gave a message to Tehran SAVAK such orders" As Regards his statements are provocative please summon him and warn the necessary notifications, and then notify the result to the Administration." In spite of warns and threats of SAVAK, martyr BAHONAR continued his cultural and religious mission, and perpetuated his religious and social teaching.


    In this regard, on the eve of the 2500 years celebrations and ceremonies made by the royal family in various circles, late SHEIKH especially in the HEDAYAT mosque exposed the hypocritical face of the idolatrous, and in a speech dated 1972 in HEDAYAT mosque says: "... the nation should be proud of its industry, technique, and culture, social and economic progress and must not praise ancient buildings and predecessors. The following intensification of regime`s measures to deal with the antagonists and combative groups and the fear of crisis During the 2500years celebrations and also the clarity of martyr BAHONAR`s speech, from SAVAK on 1972 to constabulary of country about his prohibited of pulpit band imparted such "the mentioned name is one of the extremist preachers in Tehran. Recently, he has delivered provocative speech and contrary to our interests in HEDAYAT mosque in Tehran. Please, order to record his name as preachers who had prohibited of pulpit and inform the result to the organization. ALJAVAD mosque and ERSHAD HOSSENIYEH were some of those centers that martyr BAHONAR had speeches there. During the years 1971 to mid 1971s, these two places were community centers for commitments of religious forces. Presence of outstanding, and revolutionary spokesman caused to attract more people, especially young people. Martyr BAHONAR besides participating in mosques and centers, also he showed up in some religious circles such as boards and meetings which were held in the homes, and guided the Islamic society by his fiery speeches in most of the centers.


    Martyr BAHONAR and other Combatant Clergymen by using backgrounds and circumstances that were obtained in mosques, Shrines, Boards and HOSINIYE places, tried to talk about Imam Khomeini`s ideas and movement, attended to revelation and enlightenment of Muslim population. It was an opportunity for the Muslim people to achieve faith preparation and combative actions against the king regime.

    Prohibited of pulpit:

    After Martyr BAHONAR`s statements and speeches about 2500 years of imperial celebrations and provocative statements, he was summoned by SAVAK and then prohibited of pulpit. His prohibited of pulpit continued up to great victory of Islamic Revolution. Nevertheless, he lectured in various occasions in cliques. Doctor SHEIBANI tells about the events of the revolution," I have memories of martyr BAHONAR. SAVAK was strictly prohibited his lectures in Shiraz but clergies wanted the lectures must to be held. SHEIKH has put on his cloak and turban away, and spoke while he was wearing Jacket and Trousers. Before SAVAK could understand, he ran away from meeting.

    The expansion of cultural activities:

    Mr. BAHONAR, during his prohibition of pulpit, while working to correct the textbook, also did other educational and cultural activities along with his colleagues` support and assistance, such as the establishment of Publication Office of Islamic Culture. The office was succeeded to publish million versions of useful books in the last few years before Islamic revolution and shut down of publication press shut down. Actually, it was a place for those who looked for useful Islamic books.


    During this period he also founded TOHID Center by the help of Ayatollah MOUSAVI ARDEBILI. This center became an important propagator Scientific Center in Tehran. It should be noted that Mr. MOUSAVI planed its pattern, and with the help and support of the martyr BAHONAR succeeded to complete and flotation of his glorious complex.
    Martyr BAHONAR contributed in establishing of MOFID School and also in creating AMIRALMOMENIN MAKTAB, (next to the AMIRALMOMENIN Mosque in NOSRAT Street) it was started by Ayatollah MOUSAVI ARDEBILI.


    In short, his most important cultural activities in this period are:

    1. The establishment of the Islamic Cultural office
    2. The establishment and Flotation of MOFID School.
    3. The establishment of AMIRALMOMENIN MAKTAB.
    4. Establishment and building the TOHID Center
    5. The establishment and Flotation of REFAH School.

    Re arrest

    In 11974, the following extensive activities of martyr BAHONAR and SAVAK sensitivity and strict control over his actions, in order to demoralization and insecurity to his willing in fight against the regime, the security system of king, repeatedly arrested him and interrogated his relatives, especially his sister and released her in the deserts around Tehran. Following these cases, and the report of the local people about production and distribution of proclamation at martyr BAHONAR`s home, immediately, SAVAK stormed to his house, inspected and confiscated some books.


    Also arrested him and after a few days by getting a commitment, have released him. Martyr BAHONAR herein said: A family problem happened for me. I had a sister who lived with us, they came and arrested her. It was strange arrest, always were arrested and held for several days and sometimes have released them in wilderness and sometimes in another corner of the city. Mainly, they insisted to ask her about our relationship, which groups we have relationship with? Which groups and what meetings we had in our home? And what problems we pursue.


    Membership in the Committee of strike adjustment:

    One of the committees of the Council of revolution, was the strike committee. The committees task was to foment strikes and in cases what are essential needs of the people in case of a problem, this committee adjusted strikes. Especially because of the oil workers strike, some problems for people`s fuel arose. According to the order of the Imam, martyr BAHONAR became a member of the committee and by traveling to around the country did affairs related to strikes.

    Membership in the Council of revolution:

    The idea of ​​an association called "Council of Revolution," according to the particular circumstances at that time, there were many discussions by trustee Clergymen of Imam. A serious discussions on this issue on a trip of Professor MORTEZA MOTAHARI to Paris were held with Imam Khomeini. According to the article of Mr. Rafsanjani:"... Mr. MOTAHARI in returning from Paris brought the order of the Holy leader of Revolution to constitute the Council of Revolution.

    Imam has selected gentlemen like martyr MOTAHARI, martyr BEHESHTI, MOUSAVI ARDEBILI, martyr BAHONAR and HASHEMI Rafsanjani as the first core of Council of Revolution, and had allowed that other people to be added by these five persons` view. It was decided at the first meeting, the composition of the council to be equally of clergy and lay members." The council was formed in December 1979 with regard to the particular circumstances of country before revolution, the council has an important role in guidance, planning the affairs of revolution, and giving necessary consultations to the Holy leader of Revolution, Imam Khomeini.


    Constitution of the Islamic Republic Party:

    In 1979, after release from prison MOHAMMAD JAVAD BAHONAR and martyr BEHESHTI along with some other characters began to form the Islamic Republic Party, and provided its statute, thereby Constitutions of the Islamic Republic Partybegan its activities formally. His role was crucial in the party and in all things he was consulted. After the death of the martyr BEHESHTI in bloody tragedy blast at the central office of party on July 1982, martyr BAHONAR was elected as general secretary of the Islamic Republic Party and undertook this responsibility, before accepting to become prime minister.


    Following the scape of President BANISADR and election of martyr RAJAEE as president, on recommendation of martyr RAJAEE, martyr BAHONAR was introduced to the Islamic Parliament as Prime Minister in 1982.And parliament give vote of confidence to the Prime Minister and his ministers.


    Moral features of martyr BAHONAR;

    The honorable martyr BAHONAR, being educated scientist, have made tireless efforts in educational progression in the field of moral perfections and ascription of Islamic good behavior, did efforts and attention in many fields. Supreme Leaders Speech is very communicative in this Basic: His moral features were exception, martyr MOTAHARI and the more, martyr BEHESHTI were very fond of his moral qualities. His most important characteristics were that he did great works, useful and compact without any outward manifestation of emotion. He was deep, humble, meek, taciturn, sober, hardworking, serious, sincere, and honest man. He is gifted fellow in literary and writing, and his writing was musical and beautiful. However, he was a unique and outstanding man."

    HOJATOLESLAM MAHDAVI KANI had been in long terms with martyr BAHONAR in the same chamber at HOJATIYEH School and expressed interesting points about his moral characters.

    Generally martyr BAHONAR`s behavior with those who came to him was very cordial and friendly, and even I can say that he was closer than a brother, and spoke too folksy. As far as he could he prayed on time and with congregation, and usually showed up in the beginning of evening in the yard of FEYZIYE School, that had been constituted by leader Ayatollah Araki. He attended to congregation pray in the afternoons which was held by decedent leader Ayatollah ZANJANI and while we were together. Because we had common subjects and also taught that lesson after morning pray. so we tried to be there, and so he prayed matins with leader AYATOLOZMA MARASHI NAJAFI or Ayatollah GOLPAYEGANI. We can say that, this great man, had strong faith in

    Vespers, and pilgrimage of JAME KABIRE and other orisons, he did when he was alone. Also we went to JAMKARAN mosque with our friends, most of the time we walked, and he implemented to the rules which had been written in JAMKARAN mosque.

    Basically, He didn`t neglect of Vespers and unnecessary prayers and even some of his friends nagged him, rarely he could neglect his courses, that was the main purpose, because of much devotion. But, he knew the pray, as an instrument for placidity of heart and causing a lovely relationship between God and man. He believed he could understand the lessons better, therefore; he didn`t neglect of doing such actions. He was very freestanding.







    انتشار : ۱۸ دی ۱۳۹۴



    In the name of God

    Experienced the farsighted wisdom

    Now after, I make myself mad (MOLAVI)




    ABOU VAHIB BOHLOUL EBNE OMAR KOUFI known as mad BOHLOUL lived at the time of Caliph HARUN ALRASHID. He has a sweet word that is used to express facts and harsh realities.

    BOHLOUL is not going to open the lips to make people laugh, he opens the lips because he wants to laugh. Situations are so ridiculous that can`t be serious for a long time. He does not make anyone cry, but in the beginning he makes him laugh, then at the height of laughter, goes close to his ear and says: Be careful, perhaps not the other, you may laugh at yourself. So he understands the matter and cries on himself.

    Comedy is crossing from the realm of the impossible to possible. It is a naughty play by language to reach to the heart of the meaning, where every meaning becomes a heart. When a parody, a satire, a joke makes people laugh, is not a real work. But when quite and meaningful comedy enters, people can understand the reality.

    Good comedy can show you the pain of hungry Africans, homeless Indians and those who forgot God.




    Now let us see what BOHLOUL says:

    They told BOHLOUL to count mad people of the world. He said: they are numerous. But if you want me to count wise fellows. They are few.

    King HAROUN asked BOHLOUL, who is your best friend?

    BOHLOUL said: who fills my belly?

    King said: If I fill your belly, will you love me?

    Wiseman replied: No credit in friendship.

    BOHLOUL went to Caliph and said: I am prophet.

    HAROUN asked: what is your miracle?

    BOHLOUL said: whatever you want?

    King said: plant melon tree. It should grow soon and gives flower.

    BOHLOUL said: give me four day time.

    King said: No time.

    BOHLOUL said: Almighty with complete power, brings up melon in four months and you want me to do this work in no time. Dead line is unfair.

    BOHLOUL showed his talent by this way. He could not talk directly. He had a lot of enemies. He advised and guided people by using comedy tricks.

    May God bless him

    انتشار : ۱۸ دی ۱۳۹۴

    استاد حالت


    DATE OF BIRTH: 1919

    DEATH: 1992

    Nationality: Iranian

    Renown: Abolghasem Abdullah fard

    Profession: poet, writer, translator, satirist.

    Epithet: funny, LARI cock, father of glasses,

    ABOLGHASEM HALAT was nicknamed father of glasses (1919-1992) and he was a Persian poet, translator and satirist.


    After the revolution, He composed the first Iranian anthem by name long live Iran. (Music was from MOHAMMAD BIGLARI POUR)


    Abolghasem halat is the poet, translator, and authoritative researcher in this century.

    He was born in 1919 in Tehran, when he finished his high school; he was employed in nationality Oil Company and he worked there till he was retired.

    Abolghasem haalat learnt Arabic, English and French in early age and he has poems since 1935 and he continued by writing poem in old style and the biography.

    HALAT`s journal was full of the analects, proses, odes, lyrics and quatrains, which shows deep literal knowledge of this researcher.

    He started his work with a famous and humorous magazine by name success (TOFIGH) and he printed his stories by mester hoopoe`s signature and he signed his poems by names laarycock, funny, literacy fellow and father of glasses. In 1945, showed his interest towards religion.


    He printed some of his poet quatrains, that they are full of the Imam Ali’s words in Islamic regulation magazine (AEEN ESLAM).

    Halat was perfect in songwriting and generally these lyrics were humorous, critical and against of the social and the Political conditions in that time.

    Halat worked with hope, illustrated Tehran and Iranian message magazines and MALEKOL SHOARA BAHAR (king of poets), invited him to the Iranian congress of writers.

    Halat worked in Iranian authentic music and he was the first warbler of national anthem.

    Despite his age, he worked with Mr. Flower magazine (GOL AGHA) for a long time.

    Lot of articles from ABOLGHASEM remained. A lot of satires, poems and translations. He had stroke and died in 1992.

    This is a part of HALAT`s will, the famous satirist in success and Mr. Flower magazine writes:

    When I die don`t bother me.

    Don’t hurt yourself on my grave.

    Don’t look for a badger and a prayer for me.

    Don’t pay to stonemason for my stone.

    I prefer that I give my body parts to the others then you obviate the others needs.

    Give my eyes to a lecher that one can’t see pure.

    This tongue is a good glib so give it to who is demagogy to talk.

    My head is full of plaster so give it to the Ali stucco directly.

    My hard heart is the black one, then give it to the stonemason in bazaar.

    Give my kidney to a drunken man who has a mangled kidney because of drinking a lot.

    Give my lung to one guy who smokes, who has a mangled lung in young age.

    Give my liver to a nerveless, give my waist to an amorist.

    Give my chin to a blabber; give my stomach to a chubby.

    If FATEME is toothless and sad give my teeth to her.

    Give my balls to the creditor.


    I’m so sad because my heart is in anxiety every second.

    What’s a misery heart, because when I see the other`s sadness, It makes me upset.

    What can I do when I am thinking about all the people in world.

    I’m hanker to help all the people and it does not matter to me he is poor or rich.

    I would be so sad when I see a poor child or tearful person and distraught one.

    What can I do when so many of people have pain?

    I think I can’t do anything because I’m cautious.

    I’m so compassionate then I can’t do bad things.

    I can tolerate and I don’t answer when others hurt me.

    I insist that we should care about the others, then I can’t do anything because I care about all religions.

    We would be alive if we were cruel.

    If I’ll be a kind person then I’m helpless.


    Halat humorous

    Father of glasses journal

    Funny journal

    Laugh mucks

    Poem journal (poems, quatrains)

    Dew and butterfly (mannerly poems and mystical of Sadie and the biography of kings)

    Marriage and problems (dorsa publication)

    Pharaoh ( Eloise Jarvis McGraw)

    Minutes the neurons’ adviser (Mika WALTARI)

    The history of mogul conquests

    Story of trade (Eric N.simones)

    Napoleon in exile (General Bertrand’s notes)

    My life (mark twain)

    Life on the Mississippi (mark twain)

    Leading missile makers (Beryl Williams / Samuel Stein)


    Spring of Life (Klarmys Host Carol)

    Wizard of emerald city (Frank Baum)

    Return to emerald city (Frank Baum)

    Iranian boy, a true story of Alexander the Great and Darius III (Mary Renault)

    Ghost in the Michelangelo alley

    Insight blaze

    Nous blossoms

    Salvation way

    Ali ibn Abi Talibs Aphorisms (AS)

    Complete history series of IBN ASIR (23 volumes)






    انتشار : ۱۸ دی ۱۳۹۴

    فاطمه زهرا


    This is life of innocent oppressed who was daughter of holy prophet MOHAMMAD. There are QURAN verses and many HADISES about her character and great humanity.

    She born in 15 November 626. And made clear the dark world by her holy light. At the time of her birth, a handful of heavenly women with KOSAR water came to wash her. After that, the baby spoke and stated: there is no God except ALLAH and Mohammad is his prophet. After that she saluted those women and called their names.

    Her names: FATEME and ZAHRA (PBUH)



    Each title is a reference to some perfections for the said lady.

    Father: prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

    Mother: KHADIJE daughter of KHOILAD, the first woman who believed in unity of God and his last prophet MOHAMMAD. She prayed with husband and gave her entire wealth to promote ISLAM.

    Gracious FATEME was respected by her father always. Upon her arrival, father was standing and kissing her forehead.

    Prophet many times said: FATEME is from me and I am from her. Who makes her happy, makes me happy too. And who makes her sad, makes me sad too.

    She migrated along with father from MEKA to MADINA.



    Some historians say, at the age of 10, she married Imam Ali in the holy month of RAMEZAN.

    When her father died, she never smiled. And few months after her father`s death, she also left for heaven. Historians say, she was very young at the time of death. Burial and funeral pray were done by her husband Ali.



    Thanks to the God, who created us and gave us all the possibilities of happiness and blessings and provided guidance.

    Peace and salutation to the soul of great prophet of Islam, MOHAMMAD.

    Peace and salutation upon daughter of holy prophet, FATEME. And curse be on their enemies who are actually enemies of ALLAH.




    انتشار : ۱۷ دی ۱۳۹۴

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